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Medical, Therapy & Counselling Nanaimo Area

Stressed out and Overwhelmed- Phone us!

Stressed out and Overwhelmed- Phone us! image 1
Stressed out and Overwhelmed- Phone us! image 2
Stressed out and Overwhelmed- Phone us! thumbnail image 1
Stressed out and Overwhelmed- Phone us! thumbnail image 2

Stressed , Anxiety and Overwhelmed? Stressed to the breaking point? Paralyzed with indecision? Unmotivated or stuck in a rut? Do you toss and turn at night, constantly worrying about the next day while sleep eludes you? Do you suffer with headaches or stomach-aches while the stress knots up your insides? Do you always feel like you have too much to do and not enough time to do it? Have you regretted losing your temper? STRESS = *Migraines *Muscle Pain *Back Pain *Heart Attack *High Blood Pressure *Stomach Pain, Heartburn & Ulcers *Irritable Bowel Syndrome *Panic Attacks *Sleep Problems & Insomnia *Rheumatoid Arthritis *Asthma Attacks *Depression *Obesity *Autoimmune Diseases *Skin Conditions (like Eczema) You CAN get a handle on stress, and hypnosis can help! What's the alternative? Drugs, drugs, and more drugs... Add in all the anti-anxiety medications, and the number of people taking mood altering drugs becomes staggering. But drugs don't address the underlying problem, they only offer temporary relief of the symptoms. They leave you feeling fuzzy and your head muddled. Have you ever noticed how much worrying is about what might happen and not what actually is happening? Or how often you can feel stressed about something that's already passed just by dwelling on the memory in your mind? All stress is produced by the mind. Change your mind, and change your stress. Our effective therapies and unique hypnosis techniques will help you: *Let go of past stress *Envision a positive future *Turn down the "volume" of negative thoughts *Create an inner feeling of calm anytime you want *Relax and sleep restfully *Block out the negativity of others *Regain perspective and balance. If you're serious about taking control of your life, Call now for your FREE hypnosis consultation: (250) 739-4609 The Nanaimo Hypnotherapy Center Tracy L. Thompson ACCHT, NLP Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

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