Medical, Therapy & Counselling Nanaimo Area
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Medical, Therapy & Counselling Nanaimo Area

Interested in medical Cannabis? But unsure of how/where to start?

With legalization comes many people with physical and mental pain who are unaware of what strains they should be using? Indica? Sativa? Hybrids? I suffered and still do, from debilitating chronic migraines, I was prescribed dilaudid, hydromorphone, oxy's and at points was on a morphine drip in hospital. I started getting insomnia, the sweats and restless leg syndrome when I wasn't having migraines and didn't take pain killers. That's when I realize I had developed a physical dependency from prescription opiates. It was a 86 yr old man who introduced me to cannabis and it's saved my life, I was depressed from the physical pain, I wanted it to end. And now, Im back to where I was before the migraines started, I still get them but Im better equipped to deal with them and want to share the experience with others who are un-informed. Take for example, dispensaries that are regulated, charge 3x-4x the amount of money for cannabis that is no different that some "home growers" out there, Obviously don't buy from anyone that gives you a "yuck" feeling, I for example have a few retired friends who do it as a project and ive seen how clean the growing areas are and have never been disappointed. But if you'd like to ask any questions, I'd love to answer them and remember, none of us are perfect and no one wants to feel sick or be in pain. You have a right to live and live well, enjoy your life. I know I sure enjoy mine a lot more!

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June 24, 2019
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