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Rental for employed recent graduate

Rental for employed recent graduate image 1

Hi! I am a 25 year old female who has recently acquired a government job in Nanaimo and am looking for something in the Nanaimo area or a bit outside of the area! I am open to places as far as Ladysmith. My budget is around $800, but I can go higher if I find something worth it! Ideally for March move in, but am flexible for sooner or later. I finished my degree in December and am currently working full time in Duncan until I begin my new job. I am a very quiet tenant. I don't go out much, and when I do, I never bring any noise back to my place. I'm more of a glass of wine with friends type of person. I typically spend my time at home doing puzzles or watching Netflix. I communicate appropriately with landlords or other tenants and am very respectful and aware of those around me. I don't have any pets, just lots of house plants! I am very friendly and very clean. I am also environmentally conscious (this means I turn my lights off, etc). I have excellent landlord references who would describe me as an ideal tenant. I am posting this to see if there's anyone out there who has a one bedroom or bachelor suite/apartment to offer at a price that's within my budget, or willing to negotiate their rent to have an ideal tenant! I do need a place with a fridge and proper oven, and prefer to have in suite or access to a washer and dryer. I know that it isn't too likely to find something that meets these requirements within my price range, but thought I'd put it out there before looking at other options. Thanks!

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January 22, 2020
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